Have you ever wondered – “Why do cuss
words just POP into my head?”
Have you realized that every cuss word makes fun of body parts, body functions, and how babies are brought into the world?
At each moment, could you use a THOT COP to help you out?
Have you realized that every cuss word makes fun of body parts, body functions, and how babies are brought into the world?
At each moment, could you use a THOT COP to help you out?
Well, what is a THOT COP?
You are the one who can become your own THOT COP. Just create your own internal - mental filtering system.
Here is one way to filter and delete an unwanted THOT.
First ask yourself “Will this THOT improve the quality of my life? If NO...... then mentally say, “I delete that THOT, and practice this THOT COP exercise ......until it works for you.
Would you be willing to view your THOTS as 'E-MAIL?'
THOT's are like Email (or Energy mail) that arrives as if you are a live, walking computer! A THOT arrives....... you wonder why it's there?
You filter the THOT judging if it is either positive or negative.
There are only two types of THOT. Positive or Negative. If the THOT is positive, keep it and allow it to enhance your character. In this day and age we need more people who are honest and self-reliant........ building a country of moral integrity.
But, if the THOT is negative, full of doubt, harshness or filth, just take charge and mentally say; "I choose to delete that THOT."
Imagine as you receive e-mails into your e-mail account, that you are sent one that says
"Nude picture - open!"
Did you create that e-mail or was it sent to YOU? This happened to me years ago.
I THOT, No - - - then clicked the DELETE button and it was gone.
We can do the same thing within our brain. This can be part of our THOT COP filtering system.
Compare the parallel worlds. I believe that there are two Internet-like servers in our universe. One server sends out E-vil spam and the other only sends after you have chosen to ask for a subscription.
I invite you to use your internal THOT COP, to increase happiness and self-respect.
In doing so you will increase the communication coming to you from the right server (God).
May your life increase in JOY,
Carolyn Pearce Ringger